That you’ve landed on this page can mean a few things. Maybe you’re feeling alone and you started to search online for terms that are often related to suicide, but you’re not really planning to do anything. Maybe you’re planning to end your life today. Maybe none of these things are true.

Whatever the reason, we’re glad this page has found its way to you. Feeling alone is a horrible thing. It can feel overwhelming, and sticky. Like tar you can’t pull yourself out even if you tried. We’re here to remind you that even in dark moments, you aren’t alone. That there are people who care about you deeply. People who may not know how much your heart is hurting. People who would offer you both of their hands and all of their strength to pull you out of where you’re at.

We’re hopeful that if you take a few moments to read this post – words written by real humans who have been touched by the loss that suicide brings – they may lead you to reach out to someone for support. To reach out to anyone who can help you take a deep breath for just one second.

Things we want you to know:

Depression Is Powerful

No one knows what you’re going through right now but you. You may have told someone about it, or even spoken to a doctor. But no one really knows the darkness you are living with except for you. Please know that your pain is real and valid. It’s not ‘just in your head,’ and it’s very, very real. If anyone has minimized your pain or made you feel worthless, please take these words as a sign that your pain is real.

Silence Holds You Hostage

From our experience, suffering in silence makes it worse. Maybe you’re not speaking out about your pain for fear of what people close to you will think, or fear they won’t believe you. Please reconsider. Please talk to someone you trust. Let them help you. We’ve heard from too many families over the years who carry regret because ‘they didn’t know so-and-so was struggling.’ Talking about things is powerful.

Baby Steps Lead to Big Things

When you have those moments where you can see the world as something you could stay in, try to baby step into it. Into thing you enjoy, or spending half an hour meeting with a friend you trust. For how hokey it sounds, taking a walk in the sunshine – and leaving your phone behind – can be a few moments of solace in a day filled with so much noise. Maybe that walk leads you to more. Like going to the gym, or joining a book group. Something that brings you peace and comfort.

Be Kind to Yourself

We’re often kinder with others than we are with ourselves. As if others deserve more empathy and support than we do. You deserve kindness. You deserve compassion and understanding. Sometimes that looks like a healthy meal or binge-watching a new series. Other times it looks like a yoga class or sleeping in. Be kind to you. Don’t pour all your kindness into others and leave yourself empty.

Find Support

Therapy and professional support can be essential to your healing process. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. From mental health experts to helplines and mindfulness apps, there are a lot of options today.

Please Stay

Thanks for reading to the end. Thank you for taking a few moments to sit with us and breathe. We hope you’ll reach out to someone to talk. That you’ll be kind to yourself. That you’ll trust us when we say you make the world better for someone just by being here and being you.